As a car dealer, you’ve studied the digital market like a gamer studies the map of Oros in the video game Far Cry Primal and taken the leap to add live chat to your dealership website to generate a mammoth number of website leads. There are two sales associates trained to hunt shoppers with the chat software and have the app on their phone to respond to chat requests. In an effort to outsell rival clans, err… dealers, you’ve watched your organic traffic rise thanks to search engine optimization (SEO) with a national company and further boosted traffic working with a local SEM expert.
The internet coordinator has invested the time to have your website provider add the monitoring code to the website and get the icons positioned like bait for the beasts of Oros. They worked with the IT department to install the operator software on the desktop computers and get the firewall ports opened up, then went through a few practice chat conversations so they’re as ready for chats as Takkar is for a hunt. Now that your team is ready to respond to chat requests, you’re ready to start working deals like a “Beast Master Hunt”, selling more cars and seeing a boost on the monthly statement.
Simple, right? Not so fast. The fine line between making leads and making a mess with chat is like shooting prey on Xbox One with an arrow or becoming hunted by a sabretooth tiger. Here are seven (of the many) booby traps that can cause chat to burn you and your deals, just like fire in Far Cry:
- “CHAT OFFLINE” message or a “server unavailable” message when a visitor requests a chat
- Delayed response – or worse – NO RESPONSE to a chat request
- Slow or poor chat communication: taking too long to respond, typos, all caps, misspellings
- Dropped chat conversations on mobile due to outdated software technology
- Not reading chat messages and responding properly
- Dropped chats – make shopper think operator hung up
- Deceptive chat conversations that derail trust
Modern car shoppers look to live chat as a user-friendly communication method to gather information, kind of like scouting the Far Cry Primal map on PS4. An error with any of these chat deal killers won’t only cost a car sale, but all future deals with this shopper, and often leave a permanent scar on your cyberspace imprint with negative posts on both social media and review sites. It is nearly impossible for most dealer BDCs to staff a chat console a hundred percent of the time during business hours, much less around the clock, which is why dealers turn to us at CarChat24. Car dealers can opt to use our award-winning chat software in-house, but most use us for fully-managed chat, or choose backup (or hybrid) support.
Dealers benefit from nearly a decade of scientific testing of software, setup, and shopper interface; nearly as long as Electronic Arts and Ubisoft have been operating partners. Our operators have an average of half a decade of experience and have a lead ratio higher than any of our dealers handling their own live chat.
Far Cry Primal may or may not be the huge video game hit that Ubisoft hopes, but there is a reason CarChat24 leads the pack in sold units from live chat.
Call or chat with us today to schedule your quick web demo and add fifty percent to your dealership website form lead count.