Auto Dealership Chat – It’s Where The Car Sales Leads Are At

November 12, 2010 - 2:44 am

Source: CarChat24


After visiting a friend of mine at his Philadelphia area dealership recently, we got on the topic of third party leads. I asked which sources he was using and he mumbled the names of a few well-known providers. I inquired why he wasn’t excited about them, and he said “I don’t know where they’re hiding their leads. I’m getting LEADS, but they sure aren’t car sales leads”.


It was a problem I knew all too well. Getting your invoice at the end of the month isn’t nearly as painful if you’ve actually sold a few cars off of those leads. I took a look at his demographics and statistics and it was painful. The majority of the leads in his CRM were marked as “Not interested” or “Never Applied”. Sure, this could be an internal issue that could be taken up with his BDC, and I suggested this. He then said “Well, I worked the leads for the last 3 months, so I stand by these statistics. The sales leads I am getting just aren’t car sales leads”.


It was then that I pulled up the statistics of one of my business associates that I happened to have available. I covered the names of the lead sources and asked him which one was most impressive to him. He chose the conversion rates that were from the lead source: Auto Dealership Chat.


Why is there such an increase in bad third party leads? With the rising business of strategic marketing, businesses are targeting the social media beginners – especially those on Facebook and using Applications that connect to the site, to get folks to fill out surveys with the promise of 15,000 coins to use as credits in various games. One of the questions may be “Will you be in the market for a car within the next 6 months?” and whether or not the customer will be is irrelevant. They don’t want a car, they want coins to spend in the games they’re playing. That’s not a car sales lead – it’s a “I want coins” lead.


What does this have to do with Auto Dealership Chat? It has everything to do with Auto Dealership Chat.


Auto Dealership Chat is probably the only lead source in which you can nearly guarantee that the person providing their information is interested in what you’re offering on your website. Why else would they be there? You’re not asking misleading questions on your website (at least I hope not!). You’re not making promises to provide thousands of coins if the visitor fills out a meaningless survey. You’re offering cars. And your website traffic wants cars.


Your dealer website will provide higher quality car sales leads every single time. It’s no longer a third party lead; it’s a direct lead from your website! You’re simply taking analytics to the next level – interacting with your website traffic, starting a conversation, and turning them from “website hits” into “car sales leads” into “appointments” into sales.


Isn’t that what it’s all about?

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