Not only does live chat boost leads and sales on dealership websites, but in our experience, putting managed chat on credit websites often results in double the leads of a regular dealership website. Our well-designed live chat often generates
There are always going to be questions that dealers want answered about website chat whether they realize it or not. Many dealers still view chat as something they either have or not. Savvy, aggressive dealers realize that there are
We've seen a rise in website chat for car dealers where fancy gadgets are popping up to "disrupt". Without exception, they are more bark than bite.
A fast food hamburger patty and a prime New York Strip are both beef, but that doesn't mean that they're the same thing. This principle holds true for dealership chat providers.
Decision makers at dealerships got where they are today because they made good decisions. Chat can be a different story, because it doesn't fit within the standard paradigm.
One thing is certain: there are still plenty of dealers out there missing out on the low-hanging fruit when it comes to website enhancements.
There are certain things that car dealers want for their marketing and there are other things that are requirements. Chat is quickly making the shift from being a luxury item on the grocery list of services to the realm
Everyone is the best… if you ask them. You won’t find a single automotive website chat provider who doesn’t claim to be the best when it comes to generating leads, handling the highest possible chat volumes, or offering software
More and more dealers are realizing that an effective live chat strategy is a key puzzle piece for increasing leads and sales from their dealership website – whether they opt for an in-house staff or hosted chat vendor. The