The CarChat24 sales team takes a moment for a team photo at Digital Dealer 22, in Tampa, FL.. L to R: Robbie Boston, John Marra, Big Tom LaPointe, Cindy Zieba, and Jeff Sterns.
The CarChat24 team had a strong presence at Digital Dealer Conference and Expo 22, in Tampa, Florida. The leader in live chat performance made it convenient for dealers to visit in their booth, and one staff member presented at a workshop.
Tom LaPointe paired up with Brent Durham, of Preston Automotive Group and iFrog Digital Marketing to share key information with dealers regarding mobile mobile marketing. The next major event the CarChat24 team will attend is Digital Dealer 23, in Las Vegas.
Check out the photos from this great conference:
- Dinner at Digital Dealer 22, in Tampa, Florida
- Big Tom LaPointe interviews JD Collins, from William Mizell Ford from the CarChat24 booth for a live DealerRefresh Facebook broadcast.
- Big Tom LaPointe poses with Jeffrey Running from Fremont Motor Company.
- Big Tom LaPointe presents to a full room with Brent Durham, of Preston Automotive Group and iFrog Digital Marketing.

A large group of dealers and vendors pose for a selfie with Subi Ghosh.